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Privacy Policy

Watchem Ltd is dedicated to upholding the trust and confidence of our clients. This Privacy Policy outlines how and why we collect personal information, its usage, the specific circumstances under which we might share it with others, and our commitment to keeping it secure.


Data Collection

In delivering our bespoke cleaning services, we gather personal information which may include your name, email address, phone number, and payment details. This collection occurs through direct interactions with our clients or via our website.


Use of Your Data

We use your data to:

  • Fulfill service delivery as part of our contractual obligations

  • Enhance our services and communicate significant updates

  • Manage customer service inquiries

  • Adhere to legal and regulatory requirements


Data Sharing and Disclosure

Watchem Ltd does not sell, rent, or exchange email lists with other companies for marketing purposes. We may, however, share your personal information if legally required or in the event of a violation of our Terms of Service.

Security Measures


We prioritize the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial measures to protect and secure the data we collect.

Your Rights


You have several rights regarding your personal data, including:

  • The right to access your personal data

  • The right to correct or delete your data

  • The right to object to or limit data processing

  • The right to data portability


Contact and Complaints

For inquiries about this Privacy Policy or to exercise your rights, please contact us using the methods provided on our website. If you find any held information about you to be incorrect or incomplete, inform us promptly for correction.


Updates to This Policy

We may occasionally update this policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The most current version will always be available on our website.


For further information, please feel free to contact us through the options available on our website or via email at

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